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Web Designer

Our social media audit is a series of steps taken to evaluate and optimise a business's social media profiles & strategies. Performing a social media audit will help your  businesses stay on top of your online presence.

Our job is to help you build a referrals network of event & wedding planners. Our social media candidates use content created for your business & their social network of event & wedding planners to attract event & wedding planners to your business's social media.

Shooting content

It’s not just about beautiful content. It’s about how the candidates conveys your business via social media to event & wedding planners. Your local area, referral incentives, quality through images/reels/customer feedback, your unique services, products & prices. These are the thing event planners look for when listing your business to support their events.

Cocktail Event

Our vendor event is beautiful day filled with entertainment, music and networking.  Our academy puts on for vendors to showcase their product/services.


The main purpose of the day is for vendors to build & deepen professional relations with event & wedding planners, this will enable growth of your referrals via your network . Vendors also get a month’s worth of free professional social media content, to help develop new relationships with event & wedding planners.


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