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Wedding Planner in Office

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How to build your online web profile and social media presence. To clearly identifying to customers what special about you and your events planning service?

  • How to set up, advertise, generate and convert leads; on your website and social media platforms. Training given on all platform listed below

    1. Website build and lead generation conversion

    2. YouTube

    3. Twitter account

    4. Instagram

  • How to create a professional marketing videos for your Instagram 

    1. Using SS Event logistics vendor referrals strategy to create a professional video explaining how we save event hosts money. How to make venue setup easier

    2. How to create a professional video giving potential customers a quick introduction to who you are and why planning events is important to you, how to show your personality in your videos.

    3. Support in creating a video explaining your unique selling points 

    4. Building a social media following and creating strong engagement

  •  Creating and uploading 5 to 10 minutes professional YouTube videos for marketing and exposure 

    1. Creating professional videos talking about an event. What the event day will be like and what’s likely to go wrong on the day and during preparation

    2. In your video talk about what you personally do to make the event host day and preparation go smoothly,

    3. Talk on your videos about how you drive a people carrier van, that can be used to support the hosts, explain that your people carrier can be converted into a loading van which will enable you to pick up last minutes items. If there is any logistic delays you can help using your multi purpose van solution (this is one of your unique selling points USP)

    4.  Creating a video talking about your free gift: an online PT and online nutritionist who will build you a online plan. They will  track hosts progress and tailor plans to support getting ready for that big day

    5. After your personal business services are developed your marketing & social media specialist can support you personally create a strategy to market you.


  • Setting up your Twitter, creating tweets and how to structure them for maximum effect. creating topics e.g. your business and your journey. Give people something they can follow

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