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Success in chasing your dreams is hard, that's the truth. That's why most people don't do it or fail. Mindset is key, you must train yourself to see hard as fun, difficulties as an opportunity to learn. You want to focus on the areas that bring you joy, but the other areas of business, if not focused on will make you fail. In today’s world with all the technology and innovation, it’s even harder.  We have designed our one to one group sessions to help you, where we have personally felt the difficulties in business lies, how because business is what we do.

Every group session is built to help you find like-minded partners, friends that will focus on the different sections of your business. Colleagues that want to develop their own skills, whilst supporting your growth. Apart from having our coaches, being introduced to a team you can learn from and teach. A team who will join you on your journey of discovery and success. Like-minded future friends in the same and different industry as you, people you will choose though our academy. You will learn, work, earn with them. As you grow with your team, we hope in the future you all decide to build a company together. A team that we can invest in, support be proud of helping create and join in celebrating success.

Your team will be made up of

  • 3 Event trainees

  • Marketing and social media trainees

  • A Finance and business trainee


3 event planner trainees will specialise in different area, (You will be trained to do all areas but have one speciality)

  1. The first will focus on specialising in events logistics. From working & managing our logistics team; to events host vendors pickups, storage and deliveries. Managing potential delivery delays to how hosts/guests get to the event location and return.

  2. The second will focus on the venue, from finding and making relationships with venue managers/owners to venue setup and clear down

  3. The third will focus on overall planning and day coordination of the event day. Making sure everything from host/guest management, cake, DJ, event day schedules and all aspect of the event is brought together successfully. (Team leader)


Marketing/social media trainees will focus on the social media presence of all 3 event planners marketing and social media strategy. They will focus on lead generation via social media and making sure clients that want to book and pay have an easy journey from the social media platform to website. The trainees will learn to extend their expertise to your referral vendor network, supporting the development of vendors marketing and social media presence. Not only to generate more leads for your vendors but to strengthen your vendor relationships.


Finance trainees will learn to help develop financial forecasts, business plans not only strong enough to obtain funding and investment but a plan your team can follow and compare your progress against. Changing your plan quarterly to reflect your teams true progress, especially if it's not going quite as planned. Hosting strategy meeting with the team to get you back on track. You will learn to help event host put together budgets, financial plans for their events. Learn to help the event stay on budget and setup ways to save the event money, using logistics, goods sourced etc. If the event is not a business, setting it up as a business and claiming money back VAT etc. On request from your vendors, trainees will help train and support your vendor network regarding business, tax and VAT etc. This will also help strengthen the relationship and referrals that come from your network of vendors


We want you to be the full service, with a team of individual with the expertise to help and support any event/client, in a way no other events company can. We have built a plan to give you our all, so give us your all and lets build something beautiful and unbeatable together.


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