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I’ve Attended A Webinar

What comes next?......

Thank you for taking part in our webinar, our training will open doors and help you get a high-profile job or launch a successful business. Our academy will help you to have the career you’ve been dreaming about through our specialised mentors. If you missed or want to re-watch our webinars please click here 

Our Aims

  • Our aim is that over the course of next year for each candidate to achieve at least the following 

  • Take part in ten paid events Manage five of your own events and establish a daily rate between £600 to £1,000.

  • Build a network of 75 to 100 vendors and venues that you work closely with, who will refer business to you, we will teach you how to grow your network and receive one referral a month.

  • To build a team of other events, social media, and finance specialists that will help you reach your goals


  • To have a clear plan to your goals and get funding support to help you build your business or career, and meet your personal goals for what you would like to achieve through the first year

  • We aim to help each candidate start their business and establish a company that will turn over £100,000 in year 1.

  • Our academy enables you to enjoy the industry, make new connections, and help people create lifetime memories through events.

The Next Steps Are

Click here to: Set up a company

We will help you set up a company. Becoming a limited company will allow you to trade as a business and take on event bookings, this will allow you to engage with vendors and planners on a professional level. You will be required to set up a company so that you are recognized as a legal business entity before you start trading, and have a business account to receive money from your vendor network and get paid for events you take on. We will support you through this so do not worry.

Click here to: Set up professional email

We will set up a professional email. Having a business specific email will make your professional image stronger and make you look more reliable to vendors and clients. We have an excellent in-house specialist who will guide you and set up an email domain for you which is imperative to owning a company. Once you start engaging with vendors, venues, and other event planners a professional email is mandatory for initial communication and allows you to get back to them as soon as possible.

Click here to: Book one to one session

Booking one to one session is the most beneficial way of gaining extra knowledge needed to advance through the levels of training through personalised learning, it will enable your host to start helping you plan and execute your first year objective.

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